Gerüchte zur Europa Tour 2007

  • European Tour 2007

    This table updated June 18, 2006

    Summer 2007 Stadi Olimpic Montjuic Barcelona Spain 60,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Estadio Vicente Calderon Madrid Spain 55,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 King Bauduin Stadium Brussels Belgium 50,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Nya Ullevi Gothenburg Sweden 56,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Kirov Stadium St Petersburg Russia 70,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Vystaviste (Exhibition Ground) Brno Czech Republic 50,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Airport Bemowo Warsaw Poland 70,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Olympic Stadium Athens Greece 80,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Maksimir stadium Zagreb Croatia 60,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Hippodrome Belgrade Serbia 100,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Commerzbank Arena (Waldstadion) Frankfurt Germany 61,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Stade de France Paris France 80,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Amsterdam ArenA Amsterdam The Netherlands 52,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Wembley Stadium London Great Britain 90,000 RUMOURED

    Von IORR

  • Quote

    Danke Keith, kann ich die Stones auch noch 2007 sehen.

    Das sehe ich auch so. Ohne den Unfall wäre womöglich im heurigen Jahr schon Schluss gewesen. Somit schaffe ich die 100 vielleicht noch. Think positive

  • Quote

    BeastOfBurden schrieb am 18.06.2006 21:24
    Ich bin in Frankfurt FOS dabei

    Biste nich, Frankfurt ist abgesagt…e/rollingstones190606.pdf

    Hier das Update:

    Summer 2007 Stadi Olimpic Montjuic Barcelona Spain 60,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Estadio Vicente Calderon Madrid Spain 55,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 King Bauduin Stadium Brussels Belgium 50,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Nya Ullevi Gothenburg Sweden 56,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Kirov Stadium St Petersburg Russia 70,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Vystaviste (Exhibition Ground) Brno Czech Republic 50,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Airport Bemowo Warsaw Poland 70,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Olympic Stadium Athens Greece 80,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Maksimir stadium Zagreb Croatia 60,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Hippodrome Belgrade Serbia 100,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Commerzbank Arena (Waldstadion) Frankfurt Germany 61,000 CANCELED
    Summer 2007 Stade de France Paris France 80,000 RUMOURED
    Summer 2007 Amsterdam ArenA Amsterdam The Netherlands 52,000 RUMOURED

    Summer 2007 Wembley Stadium London Great Britain 90,000 RUMOURED

    Jaja, da frage ich mich, gibts überhaupt 2007 'ne Tour??? ICH glaube nicht dran!!
    - Dann frage ich mich weiter, "habe ich überhaupt noch Lust auf 'ne 2007 Tour?" - NEIN, habe nicht mal mehr Lust auf die 2006er Tour!


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

    Edited once, last by LittleQueenie ().

  • Diese 2007 Tour findet vermutlich gar nicht statt.

    Jetzt heisst es, dass Amsterdam 2 auch annulliert wird.

    "...Voor Nederland hield dit in dat het eerste Rolling Stones concert dat zou plaatsvinden op zondag 30 juli is verplaatst naar de dag erna en dat het tweede concert zou worden verplaatst naar een latere datum.

    Zojuist is echter bekend geworden dat dit tweede concert in Nederland alsnog niet doorgaat. Met het opstellen van het nieuwe tourschema is nu al gebleken dat Nederland niet in het tweede gedeelte van de tournee is in te passen."

    Translates as:

    "...For the Netherlands this [the situation due to the medical condition of Keith] meant that the first Rolling Stones concert which was due for Sunday July 30 had been moved to the day after, while the second concert was being postponed to a later date.

    We were just informed however that this second concert in the Netherlands will not take place after all . At the planning of the new tourscheme it has already become appearant that Holland does not fit into the second part of the tour..."

    Than follows some information about when to hand in your tickets.