Beiträge von Guillaume

    Thank you Mrs M for your reply. Yes, I know about asking this before. It's because the venue is near now and I've got the idea that things have changed, I am in doubt whether I could park my car properly or not. At the moment I am even thinking of selling my two Lucky Dips (to some one who will take the risk) because of uncertainty.

    Thank you for your replies. Very kind of you. Ok, on my Eventim "ticket" it says: abholen ab 14.00 Uhr, so a bit earlier than in Munchen and Dusseldorf. Think the gig will start at about four in the afternoon and nobody else knows ..... :)

    Hi all, Again, sorry for writing in English. No problem understanding die deutsche Sprache, aber ohne Fehlern schreiben ist zwierig für mich. Es ist schon lange her dass ich der-des-dem-den gelernt habe. I think, it would be much more polite to write auf Deutsch on a German forum, but ......... :)

    I like to ask you some questions about the Lucky Dips. I've bought two for Hamburg.
    1. Do I receive some information a few weeks before the concert from Eventim?
    2. I've read that you can collect your ticket at about 14.00 hrs. If I come there at 18.00 hrs. do you still get your tickets or would these tickets be nosebleeds because I didn't collect them at 14.00 hrs.?
    3. If I find out at 14.00 hrs. what tickets I've got, can I leave them there to collect them at 18.00 hrs. and visit Hamburg Centre?

    Danke vielmals.

    Wenn das Wetter gut ist, dann wird es eher schwer einen Parkplatz in der nähe des Stadtpark zu finden, gerade da der 09.09. ein Samstag ist, aber wenn Du etwas Zeit aufbringen kannst, dann wirst Du in der Zeit zwischen 11 und 12 Uhr bestimmt Glück haben.
    bigballsjack hat schon recht mit seinem Tipp.
    Dir auch einen schönen Tag!

    Thank you very much again for replying. Sorry for asking one other question. Would you advice me to try finding a parking place on the Saarlanderstrasse oder this one:…parkdeck-hamburger-meile/
    This one looks very nice, but it will cost me a lot and I just want to park the car and no travelling to the airport.

    Thank you very much for your quick replies. Very kind of you. So, you all think, that at about eleen/twelve in the morning it will be possible to park nearby the Stadtparke? Then I will book a hotel just south of Hamburg. If you like to answer, you can do it auf Deutsch. Understanding Deutsch is no problem at all. I can write Deutsch a bit, but I am sure I will make some mistakes and that's why I write in English. Enjoy your day!!!!

    Dear all. My name is Guillaume. Sorry for posting in English, my Deutsche Sprache ist nicht so gut. I hope to visit Hamburg to enjoy the show in September. I've bought two Lucky Dips. I think I will aarive on the Saturday at about twelve. Because a lot of the hotels nearby the park are already fully booked, I like to park my car nearby the Stadtparke and drive after the show southbound for a hotel south of Hamburg. Can you help me out finding the best place to park the car nearby the park? I have read, that you can park the car in the Saarlandstrasse for free, but I think at twelve there will be no space at all. Can you tell me which places are best for parking (free or paid) in the area? And with the "guarantee" that there are likewise spaces enough? Thank you very much for reading my message!