Can't Get No Nookie???

  • Hab den Thread mal hierher verschoben bzw. ein einzelnes Thema draus gemacht, weil sehr interessant...

    Song soll von "Jamming with Edward" sein, aber nicht auf der Org.LP!?

    Sehr interessant Logo! Bin am Rätseln...

    Habe mal etwas geforscht, bin zwar zu keinem Ergebnis gekommen, wenn ich mir aber die Aufnahmen aus den Pathe Marconi Studios von 1982 anhöre, da gabs nämlich einger solcher Sessions, dann klingt das z.B. auf dem Bootleg "Jamming With Stu" sehr sehr ähnlich!

    Von Jamming with Edward ist das nicht, da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher!


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

  • Die Jamming with Edwartd Session war 1969, da waren kurz davor Sessions für LET IT BLEED:

    690417A 17th April - 2nd July: London, Olympic Sound Studios. Producer: Jimmy Miller.

    Sound engineers: Glyn Johns; Vic Smith on Monkey Man I; Andy Johns, Glyn Johns
    and George Chkiantz on Jiving Sister Fanny.
    With Mick Taylor (MT) from 24th May onwards.
    - Country Honk I (MJ/KR) -early version without fiddle (12th May)
    - Country Honk II (MJ/KR) -first version with Mick Taylor
    - Curtis Meets Smokey (MJ/KR) -unverified (23rd April)
    - Downtown Suzie II (BW) -Metamorphosis-version (23rd April)
    - Honky Tonk Women II (MJ/KR) - STU on piano, Jimmy Miller on
    cowbell, Reparata and The Delrons, Nanette Newman & Doris Troy
    on backing vocals, Steve Gregory & Bud Beadle on horns; 7" version, recordings
    begun 30th May - 5th June
    - I Don't Know Why I (Stevie Wonder/Paul Riser/Don Hunter/Lula Hardaway) - STU
    on piano, unknowns on brass; early mix of version II, recorded around the 30th June
    - I Don't Know Why II (Stevie Wonder/Paul Riser/Don Hunter/Lula Hardaway) - STU
    on piano, unknowns on brass; Metamorphosis-version, recorded around the 30th
    - I'm Going Down I (MJ/KR) -Rocky Dijon on percussion; unverified version without
    - Jiving Sister Fanny I (MJ/KR) -Nicky Hopkins on piano, unknowns on brass; early
    mix of III
    - Jiving Sister Fanny II (MJ/KR) -Nicky Hopkins on piano, unknowns on brass;
    'Black Box'-version with female vocals, unverified
    - Jiving Sister Fanny III (MJ/KR) - Nicky Hopkins on piano, unknowns on brass;
    - Let It Bleed II (MJ/KR) -STU on piano; Let It Bleed-version
    - Let It Loose I (MJ/KR) –unverified early version
    - Live With Me I (MJ/KR) -unverified early version without overdubs (24th May)
    - Loving Cup I (MJ/KR) -Nicky Hopkins on keyboard; early version with e.g. totally
    different piano-intro
    - Monkey Man I (MJ/KR) -Nicky Hopkins on piano, Jimmy Miller on tambourine;
    instrumental (under title Positano Grande)(17th - 22nd April)
    - Monkey Man II (MJ/KR) -Nicky Hopkins on piano, Jimmy Miller on tambourine;
    Let It Bleed-version (10th June - 2nd July)
    - Mucking About (MJ/KR) -unverified (29th April)
    - So Fine (MJ/KR) -unverified (23rd April)
    - Toss The Coin (MJ/KR) -unverified
    - The Vulture (MJ/KR) -unverified
    - When Old Glory Comes Along (MJ/KR) -unverified (17th - 22nd April)

    690423A 23rd April: London, Olympic Sound Studios. Producer and sound engineer: Glyn Johns.
    - The Boudoir Stomp (CW/Nicky Hopkins/Ry Cooder)
    - It Hurts Me Too (Hudson Whittaker)
    - Edward's Thrump Up (CW/Nicky Hopkins/Ry Cooder)
    - Blow With Ry (CW/Nicky Hopkins/Ry Cooder)
    - Interlude A La El Hopo (CW/Nicky Hopkins/Ry Cooder)/The Loveliest Night Of
    The Year (Juventino Rosas)
    - Highland Fling (CW/Nicky Hopkins/Ry Cooder)
    Line-up: MJ (voc, harm)/BW (bass)/CW (dr)/Nicky Hopkins (p)/Ry Cooder (gtr)
    Note: MJ partly uses lyrics from Bob Dylan’s Pledging My Time

    QUELLE: Nico Zentgraf


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

  • Wer soll da singen?
    Weder Mick noch Keith ist zu hören.
    Ist das vielleicht ein Fake?

    " Wenn STONES Fans zusammen kommen, ist es egal wo sie sich treffen,
    für ein paar Stunden sind sie einfach im STONES LAND "

  • Ein Kommentar auf Youtube:

    This is from a 1969 comedy-album called "The Masked Marauders". It's a fake.

    Englischer Beitrag auf Wikipedia: The Masked Marauders

    Les Trois Tetons in Oberhausen - ich war dabei

  • Ich habs befürchtet, Ich glaube, das hatten wir schonmal irgendwo!?

    Klingt aber schon verdammt nach Mick, muß man zugeben, kein Wunder bei einem Imitator ;)


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...