New York (USA), Beacon Theater

  • Ja und offenbar haben 1. Leute von IORR Tickets erhalten 2. hat er regelrecht aufgerufen, man solle vor dem Theater anstehen (ohne Garantie)..

    Sieht so aus als wären sie milder gestimmt gegenüber den Idioten ääähm Fans.


    Schwanke zwischen Leckt mich am Arsch und ohh geil eine Theater Show. Und im thread auf IORR hat man das Gefühl man wäre dabei......

    (auch wenn die Amis von sms keine Ahnung haben .. die tun lieber nach Hause telefonieren.. angus: du verstehst was ich meine)

  • Zitat

    Mrs M schrieb am 02.11.2006 00:33
    Sieht so aus als wären sie milder gestimmt gegenüber den Idioten ääähm Fans.

    (auch wenn die Amis von sms keine Ahnung haben .. die tun lieber nach Hause telefonieren.. angus: du verstehst was ich meine)

    hihi stimmt!

    hast beides mal recht! mir gehts stimmungstechnisch genau so. wenn ich wüsste, dass ich morgen nen freien tag hab, würde ich aufbleiben und die show live verfolgen... abe rhab nen langen tag morgen, deshalb werd ich mich auch demnächst ins bett hauen...

    und morgen gespannt das internet einschalten und mich über 5 neue, nie gehörte songs freuen!

  • 1. Jumping Jack Flash
    2. Shattered
    3. She Was Hot
    4. All Down The Line
    5. Loving Cup (with Jack White)
    6. As Tears Go By
    7. I'm Free
    8. Some Girls
    9. (Just My) Imagination
    10. Far Away Eyes
    11. Champagne & Reefer (with Buddy Guy)
    12. Tumbling Dice
    13. You Got The Silver
    14. Connection
    15. Sympathy For The Devil
    16. Live With Me (with Christina Aguilera)
    17. Honky Tonk Women
    18. Start Me Up
    19. Brown Sugar
    20. Satisfaction

  • soso...

    das war also beacon2... diesmal mit brown sugar- der stand wohl schon am ersten abend auf der zugabenliste, wurde aber nicht gespielt. ansonsten wenig änderung. das einzige, was mich überrascht ist, das shine a light nicht gespielt wurde - ist das doch der titel des films...

    und auch wieder die gleichen duette - scheint so als werde sscorsese das beste von 2 konzerten zusammenschneiden...

  • Da war dann noch:


    Bericht von Undercover von der Show und dem Drumherum, für den es lohnt, sich durch das Englisch zu quälen:

    think I'm putting it a notch or two ahead of Roseland, both
    musically and overall enjoyment.

    My ticket had me seated in Upper Balcony Row G/Seat 52.


    I never even walked upstairs to get anywhere near that seat.

    Scorcese spotted me and it was "YOU... yes, YOU... I MUST have you
    amongst my beautiful people. Come, come!"

    Either that or I snuck into the beautiful people pit... I don't quite remember.

    Anyway, there I was. About 3/4 way down the center runway and right
    up against it.

    I got in there between Buddy Guy's set and the Stones arrival onstage.

    It was the longest 40 minutes of my life... stood out like a sore
    thumb. I knew I was gonna get busted any second.

    They had the bottoms taken out of all the seats down there to make
    sure the paid help STOOD the entire time.

    There were only about 4 or 5 people taller than me and I'm just
    5-foot-10, so not only am I some guy with glasses and a goofy ball
    cap, but my head was sticking up there like a light bulb (in fact, if
    I'd been much taller the swooping boom cam would have taken my head
    off a couple of times.)

    So while I'm praying for the lights to go down and the Stones to
    start, I tried crouching down, but my knees got tired and I was right
    next to a hot light pod.

    Tried to appear part of the in-crowd by chatting up some of the cute
    girls nearby. Since we had nothing in common, the conversations were
    rather short.

    One girl asked me about the riff-raff filling the "normal" seats. Did
    they sell actual tickets to the public, or how did they get those
    people? Where did they buy the tickets?

    I swear some of the people down there were nudging their seatmates and
    talking about me "How'd HE get in here".

    The conversations going on around me were beyond inane. Empty headed
    little twits.

    Two separate times, I thought I was a goner... actual twit handlers
    came up to me and asked if I was part of their group..."oh, yeah
    yeah... I'm with you guys". Luckily I must have been convincing
    because they didn't even ask to look at my GREEN wristband, which was
    supposed to be BLACK to give entre to the golden pit.

    FINALLY, the lights went down... the show was ON... and I'm a-stayin'
    down here in my God-given spot.

    The show was pretty great... and I remembered to "act" a couple of
    times so I wouldn't be spotted as an obvious fraud and dragged out by
    my heels.

    "She Was Hot"... Mick was spaz dancing in front of Lisa Fischer. He
    went pretty spazzy nuts on a couple of other songs, too. I recall SFTD
    was one.

    Way down front, Mick's vocals were pretty far back in the mix and to
    me they sounded a little heavy on the treble. But no worse than the
    mix on most of the studio versions.

    I love "Lovin' Cup" but I think I would have preferred it without Jack
    White... he was a little whiny.

    "As Tears Go By" followed by "I'm Free" were simply exquisite.

    Ronnie GOOD on "Faraway Eyes" pedal steel.

    Buddy Guy took Keith and Ronnie to guitar school on "Champagne &
    Reefer". Daryl Jones looked pleased to have another brother on stage.

    If I could have picked Keith's two songs, they would have been "You
    Got The Silver"
    and "Connection". And there they were.

    There ain't nothin' wrong with THIS cat. The most soulful YGTS I've
    ever heard. Single-string lead guitar break on "Connection"... and the
    notes he played actually made sense. When he came down the runway and
    went down to his knees, I was about 3 feet from him... he looks very
    weird as usual... but healthy. He's even lost the grey flecks in his
    hair. And he's really taken to the whole pirate thing

    Mick came down the aisle from the rear of the house to begin SFTD. And
    as I mentioned, he was snarling and snapping his head back and forth
    like a rabid dog. And sweating like one.

    "Live With Me" ... Christina Aguilera was an ASSET to the song and
    worked hard on it.
    Mick wants to fuck her so bad.

    Honky Tonk Women, Start Me Up, Brown Sugar, (I Can't Get No)
    Satisfaction: war horses ended the show ... but they didn't feel like
    the same old same old. During "Brown Sugar", Lisa was wearing a long,
    loose, swirly skirt ... and she was sashaying around and hiking that
    thing up to ... whoa'sville.

    At one point, I glanced back and saw Bruce Willis (eye contact)
    sitting on the first row of the "regular" orchestra section--behind us
    Beautiful People.

    Also spotted Steve Van Zandt about 3 rows behind Bruce, and walked out with him.

  • Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................

    Ein Königreich für " Champagne & Reefer (with Buddy Guy) "

    Schöne Fotos, danke Iris!

    Mehr davon!!!


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...