Keith und spirtuals

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    It includes a free CD containing 14 songs featuring vocalist Marsha Hansen and The Rolling Stones rock guitarist Keith Richards.

    Aha, nie was von gehört, klingt interessant!


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

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    Collaborating with her brother-in-law, world renowned guitarist Keith Richards, and joined by veteran musicians, Babi Floyd, Blondie Chaplin, George Receli, and other stellar performers, Marsha and her daughter Jordan interpret hauntingly familiar songs in unexpected ways. Each artist on the CD lends a distinctive note, resulting in a chorus that truly reflects the history, the people, and the circumstances from which these powerful songs arose.
    My Soul Is a Witness explores the deep messages of faith sung about in African-American sacred folk music. Each chapter of the book explores both song texts and related biblical texts, leading to opportunities for personal and devotional reflection. Presented in a beautiful gift book format, the book includes the 14-song live recording of vocalist Marsha Hansen, accompanied by Keith Richards, Babi Floyd, Blondie Chaplin, George Receli, and others.

    About the Author
    Marsha Hansen is a freelance writer and singer. As an African American she was raised singing these spirituals. She is married to Lutheran pastor Rod Hansen, the brother of Patti Hansen, Keith Richard's wife of twenty-two years. She and her family live in El Paso, Texas.

    auf shidoobee gibts noch einen Zeitungsartikel, in dem sie erzählt, wie die Aufnahmen entstanden sind.

    From rock to revival, Keith Richards shines
    Rolling Stones' guitarist plays on Lutheran CD

    He may have Sympathy for the Devil, but Keith Richards also jams for Jehovah.

    The 62-year-old Rolling Stone is a guest guitarist on My Soul is a Witness -- a collection of African-American spirituals released without fanfare last month.

    The book and CD project is the brainchild of Richards' sister-in-law, concert vocalist Marsha Hansen.

    About half the music was recorded at the guitarist's Connecticut home in 2001.

    Richards plays on a half-dozen tracks, including I Want Jesus to Walk With Me and Rock in Jerusalem. Also performing on the album is former Beach Boy Blondie Chaplin and Bob Dylan drummer George Receli.

    The CD may be hard to find. Augsburg Books, affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, initially printed only 2,500 copies. A second printing is on the way.

    Hansen, who is married to a Lutheran minister, says she didn't have to twist her in-law's arm to get his assistance.

    "His understanding of music is very deep -- not just rock music," she said. "He's particularly intrigued by African-American music, roots music."

    Richards isn't a Lutheran.

    "He probably does not claim a particular affiliation," Hansen said, "but he loves the music."

    She says her brother-in-law and his musical pals were easy to work with.

    "They just kind of picked up and played whatever I was singing, and the songs just grew out of whatever mood we were in," she said. "Sometimes my daughter and I would just harmonize on something, and Keith would decide, 'That sounds really good. Let's try that.' And then we'd go from there."

    Richards left his imprint on each of his songs.

    "Sometimes it's acoustic. Sometimes it's electric. He probably plays about three different guitars."

    The legendary performer appears courtesy of Virgin Records America.

    On the recording, Richards sounds like he enjoyed making the music.

    "Obviously, you hear Keith chattering in the background. ... You can hear some of our comments and our laughter. That's part of the mood of the CD. We had a wonderful time," Hansen said.

    Richards' wife, Patti Hansen, is the sister of Rev. Rodney Hansen, Marsha Hansen's husband and the pastor of Mount Hope Lutheran Church in El Paso, Texas.

    It wasn't hard to sell Augsburg on the project.

    "We liked the idea that it was an informal recording. ... It was more of a jam session, friends gathered together for casual dinners in someone's home," said publicist Bob Todd. "It was not a planned, contrived thing at all."

    Buyers responded.

    "It jumped right out of the shelves for us," Todd said.

    Christian critics have accused Richards and the rest of the Stones of selling out to the dark side. A few have even played their records backwards, listening for subliminal Satanic messages.

    But the guitarist on Their Satanic Majesties Request is a "fantastic person," Hansen says.

    "He's the most wonderful, genuine, honorable man that I can think of," she said. "I really do think of him as my family."

  • London (dpa) - Der britische Altrocker Keith Richards (62) hat eine Platte mit religiösen Liedern eingespielt. Der Gitarrist der Rolling Stones wirkte bei einem Album seiner Schwägerin Martha Hansen («My Soul is A Witness») mit, auf der afro-amerikanische Spirituals zu hören sind.

    Die Songs tragen Titel wie «I Want Jesus To Walk With Me» oder «Rock in Jerusalem». Eigentlich ist Richards eher durch Stones-Klassiker wie «Sympathy For The Devil» bekannt. Hansen sagte der Boulevardzeitung «The Sun», ihr Schwager sei von den Wurzeln der afro-amerikanischen Musik fasziniert.

  • Hat Richards Arthritis?

    Keith Richards leidet wahrscheinlich an Arthritis - eine britische Zeitung hat ein Foto veröffentlicht, auf dem ein Finger schmerzhaft geschwollen aussieht.
    Die Rolling Stones starten heute in Mailand die Europa-Konzerte ihrer "A Bigger Bang"-Tour. Das Bild in der "Daily Mail" deutet jedoch an, dass Richards' Gitarristentage gezählt sein könnten. Der führende britische Chirurg Alex Karidis: "Das Gelenk in Keiths Zeigefinger (der rechten Hand) sticht ziemlich heraus, wenn er das Plektron in die Hand nimmt. Mit der Zeit wurde das obere Gelenk sehr verschleißt. Arthritis ist eine Entzündung im Gelenk. Es schwillt außen an, so dass man das Gelenk nicht mehr richtig bewegen kann. Das kann gelegentlich wehtun, aber nicht immer."

    Artikel vom 11.07.2006

  • Ist der Artikel wirklich neu? Das nenne ich mal ´ne brandaktuelle Meldung von der Zeitung. Wenn sie nicht wissen, was sie schreiben sollen, sollen sie doch einfach über die Tour berichten.