Keith & Norah Jones - Love Hurts

  • Es gibt ja so Duettpartner, die einfach nicht zusammen passen wollen - hier stimmt ALLES. Es ist einfach zuuuuuuu schön, zum heulen vor Rührung und zum Grinsen vor Freude und Glück darüber, das sehen zu können. Sowas Schönes - da haben wir mal wieder das Beispiel: zwar nicht die glockenreinste und hochbewertetste Stimme (Keith), aber sowas von Ausdruck und perfektes Feeling für den Song und seine Partnerin.

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    ABER, ist das Video nicht auf dem Tribute Video (DVD) drauf?


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LittleQueenie ()

  • Also, das Video ist auf der DVD:

    1. Six Days on the Raod - Sin City All Stars
    2. Big Mouth Blues - Jim Lauderdale
    3. Drug Store Truck Drivin' Man - Jay Farrar
    4. Devil in Disguise - Jay Farrar
    5. Hot Burrito No. 1 - Raul Malo
    6. Still Feeling Blue - Jim James
    7. Hot Burrito No. 2 - John Doe
    8. We'll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning - John Doe & Kathleen Edwards
    9. Do Right Woman, Do Right Man - Susan Marshall
    10. Luxury Liner - Steve Earle
    11. My Uncle - Steve Earle
    12. Sleepless Nights - Lucinda Williams
    13. A Song For You - Lucinda Williams
    14. Wheels - Dwight Yoakam
    15. Sin City - Dwight Yoakam
    16. She - Norah Jones
    17. Love Hurts - Keith Richards & Norah Jones
    18. Hickory Wind - Keith Richards
    19. In My Hour of Darkness - Susan Marshall and The House of Blues Gospel Choir
    20. Wild Horses - All
    21. Ooh Las Vegas - All The late, great Gram Parsons refused to let anyone call his music "country rock." With the soul of a true cowboy, he just couldn't be fenced in. His vision was much more grandiose than the words "country rock" would allow. The cosmic American music of Gram Parsons celebrated diversity. Sure, the broken hearted sentiment of country music was firmly rooted in his musical upbringing. But so was the burning urgency of soul music's dramatic melodies as well as the sweet, uplifting, revelatory harmonies of gospel choirs and of course the hip shaking, hand clapping strut and boogie of rock and roll music. Thirty years after his untimely death in Joshua Tree, CA., musicians and music lovers still name check Gram Parsons with the utmost awe and respect. He saw beyond labels and boundaries in music and in life. In his time he influenced the music of his protege Emmylou Harris, as well as his friends the Rolling Stones and the Byrds. He was the first longhair country boy-just ask any of the outlaws from Willie Nelson to Kris Kristofferson-someone who could bring country music to the closed minds of those who previously dismissed it as "hillbilly" or "hick" while turning on many a good ol' boy to the sounds of sweet soul music. Staying true to her father's vision of diversity in music, his daughter Polly organized Return to Sin City: A Tribute to Gram Parsons. She recruited both close friends and ardent fans of her father and his music as well as contemporary artists inspired by his work and vision. Six Days On The Road (Sin City All-Stars), Big Mouth Blues (Jim Lauderdale), Drug Store Truck Driving Man (Jay Farrar), Devil In Disguise (Jay Farrar), Hot Burrito #1 (Raul Malo), Still Feelin' Blue (Jim James), Hot Burrito #2 (John Doe), We'll Sweep Out The Ashes In The Morning (John Doe & Kathleen Edwards), Do Right Woman, Do Right Man (Susan Marshall), Luxury Liner (Steve Earle) , My Uncle (Steve Earle) , Sleepless Nights (Lucinda Williams), A Song For You (Lucinda Williams) , Wheels (Dwight Yoakam) , Sin City (Dwight Yoakam) , She (Norah Jones) , Love Hurts (Keith Richards & Norah Jones), Hickory Wind (Keith Richards), In My Hour of Darkness (Susan Marshall & The House of Blues Gospel Choir), Wild Horses (All) , Ooh Las Vegas (All).


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LittleQueenie ()

  • 03.07.2005 23:06
    Love Hurts - Keith Richards & Norah Jones
    zur Zeit mein Lieblingsduett, Keith wird immer besser

    Hab´ich am 3.7.2005 schon geliebt, heute immer noch. Gefühl pur![/B]

  • Zitat

    Dandelion1812 schrieb am 13.01.2007 00:51

    nee nixgekauft ... isch habs fertisch gebracht dat teil aus den Temp Dateien herauszufischen...

    wer weiss, was da noch für Perlen schlummern???

  • Also, das Video ist auf der DVD:

    DVd liegt seit über ner Tunde im Player (ideal beim Bügeln), ein tolles Country-Konzert mit dem Duett-Höhepunkt, ...also...bügelt mal! :thumbsup: