Jagger spielt in TV-Serie mit

  • Jagger spielt in TV-Serie mit

    Freitag 22. Dezember 2006, 08:11 Uhr

    Sir Mick Jagger hat eine Gastrolle in einer Folge der amerikanischen TV-Serie "Knights Of Prosperity" übernommen - und spielt sich selbst. In einer kommenden Episode der Comedy-Sendung ist der Rolling Stones-Rocker zu sehen, wie er einem Fernsehteam sein luxuriöses New Yorker Apartment öffnet - in das danach eingebrochen wird. Jagger hat bereits in Filmen wie "Performance", "Kelly, der Bandit" und "Freejack - Geisel der Zukunft" mitgespielt.

  • "The Knights Of Prosperity": Mick Jaggers TV-Serie feiert Premiere

    NEW YORK - Mick Jaggers TV-Serie "The Knights Of Prosperity" feiert heute Abend (03.01.) auf dem US-Sender ABC Premiere. Und anders, als bisher berichtet wurde, wird der "Rolling Stones"-Frontmann nun doch in der ersten Folge zu sehen sein, so amerikanische Medienberichte. Zudem fungiert der Sänger als Produzent der Show. Ob und wann "The Knights Of Prosperity" auch hierzulande zu sehen sein wird, ist nicht bekannt.

    Bereits zuvor hieß es, Mick Jagger werde in der ersten Folge von "The Knights Of Prosperity" zu sehen sein. Im September aber wurde das Gegenteil berichtet - der Sänger habe keine Zeit für die Dreharbeiten gefunden.

    In "The Knights Of Prosperity" geht es um eine Gruppe von Leuten, die in das New Yorker Appartement von Mick Jagger einbrechen wollen.

  • auf IORR diskutieren sie die Folge.

    Die Meinungen sind geteilt. Die Einen finden das Ganze nicht so lustig, fade. Die Anderen sind begeistert. Mick nimmt sich offenbar selber auf die Schippe.


    Hier ein Text eines TV-Krtikers:

    In plot to rob Mick, 'Knights' shows flashes of brilliance

    By Matthew Gilbert, Globe Staff | January 3, 2007

    The first episode of "The Knights of Prosperity" is a gas, gas, gas, as guest star Mick Jagger parodies his wealth with a mock E! channel special about his deluxe Manhattan crib. Oozing nouveau-riche satisfaction, Mick shows us the indoor pool for his dogs, a "Sticky Fingers" statue that spits butter onto popcorn, and the tub in which our beloved, be-lipped icon takes his yogurt baths. "Good for the skin!" he gushes. "Fantastic!"
    Touring his palatial hat room, he shares his styling wisdom like a sixth Fab Fiver: "You're never alone with a hat," he advises.

    Everything else in "The Knights of Prosperity," about blue-collar workers plotting to rob Mick's apartment, ought to pale next to this material. But remarkably, it doesn't, and the rest of the sitcom, which premieres tonight at 9 on Ch annel 5, works like a charm.

    By next week's episode, it's clear that ABC might finally have a shot at a comedy hit that's more imaginative than "According to Jim." With scruffy Donal Logue as janitor Eugene Gurkin leading his five bumbling cohorts into the elaborate burglary, "Knights" has more than enough texture and wit to survive Mick. (Jagger has not yet committed to any more appearances on the series.)

    Some sitcoms ignore money -- "Friends" and "Seinfeld," for example, weren't self-conscious about their own class issues. But like "My Name Is Earl," with which it has much in common, "Knights" jumps right into America's socioeconomic divide for its drive and humor. Mick is the show's flaunting symbol of the Haves, while Eugene is the self-appointed king of the Have Nots. Watching the E! special after a day of plunging toilets, Eugene hatches his plot to steal enough from Jagger to finance a bar and get out of his rut. While Earl on "My Name Is Earl" had his "Aha!" moment watching Carson Daly talk about karma, Eugene is struck by the excess of E!.

    He enlists a few struggling friends in his plan, and they agree to become Robin Hood and his Merry Band, sort of. "We're stealing from the rich to give to the poor: Us," Eugene tells them.

    The Knights of Prosperity, as Eugene calls them, are planning a crime, of course; but the show gets us to root for them as lovable outsider-heroes. Aware that theft is probably their best chance at the American Dream, the Knights are just being practical and proactive.

    In this context of affection for its inept underdogs, creators Rob Burnett and Jon Beckerman (the team also created "Ed") poke much politically incorrect fun at them. Gourishankar (Maz Jobrani), an Indian cab driver, and Esperanza (Sofia Vergara), a Latina waitress, are sitcom parodies of their ethnicity, particularly as the actors intensify their accents for laughs. Chubby black security guard Rockefeller Butts (Kevin Michael Richardson) is like a big-eating, smooth-loving live-action version of Chef from "South Park." And the Knights hold their nighttime meetings at a Jewish supplies warehouse, where they are seen conspiring among menorahs and "Kiss Me I'm a Mensch" T-shirts.

    To embrace "Knights," you have to have a taste for the kind of comedy that teases because it loves; the show will probably elicit a complaint or two from humorless cultural organizations.

    "Knights" is a single-camera sitcom, so we are not subjected to laugh-track guffaws whenever Rockefeller Butts eats another cookie or a dreidel is spun. The show doesn't laugh at itself, and, as on "Scrubs," some jokes fly by unnoticed the first time around.

    Originally, the show was called "Let's Rob Mick Jagger." But the new title has a nice sense of irony, as it gives its klutzy amateurs such a lofty label, and it also has durability. Now, if the show catches on, and I think it will, the Knights will be perfectly free to steal from other rich and famous people

  • Ich fands lustig, ist halt ne Ami-Sitcom so auf King of Queens Niveau ungefähr.
    Bin gespannt wie's weitergeht...Hab am Boden gelegen als sie am Ende endlich den Schlüssel hatten und Jagger dann...

  • Zitat

    nurnschusswech schrieb am 04.01.2007 10:00
    Ich fands lustig, ist halt ne Ami-Sitcom so auf King of Queens Niveau ungefähr.
    Bin gespannt wie's weitergeht...Hab am Boden gelegen als sie am Ende endlich den Schlüssel hatten und Jagger dann...

    Ja, das Ende ist herrlich! Und Mick sieht einfach klasse aus!!!

  • Von RS.COM;

    01.03.07 ABC Sitcom Features Appearance By Jagger
    The Knights of Prosperity, the ABC sitcom featuring an appearance by Mick Jagger and originally, tentatively titled Let's Rob Mick Jagger, premieres tonight at 9:00 PM EST.

    Tune in to watch as wannabe-bar-owner Eugene Gurkin, along with his group of misfits, plots to burglarize Mick Jagger's apartment in order to realize his dream after watching an episode of MTV Cribs featuring the Rolling Stones member.

    http://www.jointheknights.com/ (Auf "The Plan" klicken -- >Let's Rob Mick Jagger, !)


    Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LittleQueenie ()

  • Auf deutsch von chart-king.de:

    "The Knights Of Prosperity": Mick Jaggers TV-Serie feiert Premiere

    NEW YORK - Mick Jaggers TV-Serie "The Knights Of Prosperity" feiert heute Abend (03.01.) auf dem US-Sender ABC Premiere. Und anders, als bisher berichtet wurde, wird der "Rolling Stones"-Frontmann nun doch in der ersten Folge zu sehen sein, so amerikanische Medienberichte. Zudem fungiert der Sänger als Produzent der Show. Ob und wann "The Knights Of Prosperity" auch hierzulande zu sehen sein wird, ist nicht bekannt.

    Bereits zuvor hieß es, Mick Jagger werde in der ersten Folge von "The Knights Of Prosperity" zu sehen sein. Im September aber wurde das Gegenteil berichtet - der Sänger habe keine Zeit für die Dreharbeiten gefunden.

    In "The Knights Of Prosperity" geht es um eine Gruppe von Leuten, die in das New Yorker Appartement von Mick Jagger einbrechen wollen.

    Les Trois Tetons in Oberhausen - ich war dabei